Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What's all the fuss about? ...

So, after months of listening and observing nearly all of my friends and husband rave about blogging I've decided to give into the peer pressure and publish my thoughts. I know...I know... all of you are so excited you can barely contain yourselves. Not only now do you have to listen to me when we're together, but you'll be forced to read my every thought. If this is like anything else in my life it might just be a couple of blogs and then turn into the black hole of nothingness.... so I can't promise anything. What I find funny is that people actually read this stuff. I personally didn't get it until I became hooked to our friend "The Gardner Family"'s blog and now I find myself pulling up http://www.brettandjillian.blogspot.com/ when I sit down to eat my breakfast in the morning...just at the slight chance they have a new update. (sorry honey - I know I should also check your blog...but could you talk about something other than sports or politics?) I know there's nothing too interesting about my life, so I kind of feel sorry for you if you are looking forward to future post...

until then - have a great day!


Mike M. said...

Yay, now we can have blogging dates together! And traffic wars, and linkback wars. It's gonna be great!

The Gardner Family said...

Wow, I feel a lot of pressure to blog everyday now... gotta keep Sarah entertained during her breakfast ;)

Elizabeth said...

Yay! I am so excited. I already added you to my favorites! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

You've given in and turned to the Dark Side! YAY! None of us will ever have to hang out face-to-face again...wait...

heavly said...

ohhh snap!

Let the stalking begin! <3