Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Einstein...

I know many of my friends and readers are not at a stage in their life where they frequently watch children's videos. But recently, both with friends and through the S&H Kidz Klub I've become familiar and amazed with the videos by Baby Einstein. I haven't seen all of the videos but the ones I have observed don't seem entertaining - not to a 26 year old non-mother. The Baby Einstein website says that the videos are created from a baby's point-of-view and incorporate a unique combination of real world objects, music, art, language, poetry and nature — providing an opportunity to introduce babies to the world around them in playful and enriching ways. But I think the videos were created by hypnotist to mesmerize and subdue infants and toddlers to provide stress relief and adult time to overworked parents. Please view the video below to see exactly what I mean.

What 13 month old boy sits still for that long, doesn't allow things to distract him. I know 27 year old boys that can't devote that much attention to something (love you hubby).

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