Saturday, August 22, 2009

4 Year Anniversary...

Congratulations to me!!!! Today (all be it a Saturday) is my 4 year anniversary of working at Sibley Memorial Hospital. For those of you who have known me since high school, I'm sure you are shocked. In my teenage years I probably held more than 20 different jobs ranging from my first job at Salem Avalanche Baseball Stadium, to the Sun Station to a variety of shoe stores (to fulfill my shoe buying fetish/addiction via a discount), to Heronimus, O'Charley's...the list goes on and on... My parents (specifically my dad) always worried that this trend might continue and that I would never hold a job for more than a year. Also, my dad hated doing my taxes, as I usually had 4-6 W-2's each tax season :) sorry daddy! Upon graduating from Roanoke College I got my first job mainly for it's location - close to Mike. It was with O'Charley's, with whom I had worked for 2 years on and off as a server, but was now in Fredericksburg as the Office Manager; handling payroll, hr functions, wc and actual restaurant duties. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

So when Sarah Miller, a friend of Mike's from MWC called and said she was going back to school to be a nurse and wanted to know if I would be interested in applying for her position as an HR Assistant at Sibley - I was completely overwhelmed with joy. Granted, I still had to interview for the position, but was confident that I could do the job. I applied, got called for an interview and bought a new suit. The day of the interview (a Monday) I got in my car, started driving to DC, unfortunately, I got terribly lost, had a tearful breakdown for lack of being able to get a hold of anyone in HR (Monday's were there staff meeting days - and the phone kept going to voicemail), had to call my dad so he could provide directions via the phone while I was driving (in Upper Marlboro, MD) and then finally made it about 45 minutes late for my interview. Fortunately, Queenie and the rest of the staff were kind enough to see me even though I was late. About 3 days later I got a call with an offer to be the HR Assistant and accepted. YAY!!!

I started about 2 weeks later, after moving up to Alexandria. How great is that....I went to Roanoke studying Business Administration/Sociology/Healthcare Administration and landed a job doing (almost) exactly what I wanted to do, knowing I had room to advance to the career of my dreams!!! I worked as the HR Assistant for almost 1 year before being promoted to the position of Workers' Compensation Specialist, and then about 1 year later was promoted again to Workers' Compensation & Benefit Specialist, and that's where I've been ever since.

Words cannot describe how much I love working at Sibley....most days. There is the occasional day (or week in May) where I am overly stressed, but still for the most part look forward to coming to work. The people at Sibley are like family to me. I find peace knowing that I can walk through the hospital and know most people (mainly day shift) by name. Everyone smiles and says hello, and are always willing to help. Yes, there are a few exceptions (just like everywhere else) where you may encounter a rude person here or there, but for the most part, it's wonderful. I'm so proud to say I work at Sibley and can't wait to see what the future has in store for me!

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