Tuesday, February 17, 2009


We were so lucky to have our good friends, Brett & Jill, invite us to a weekend getaway at Massanutten Resorts over Valentine's weekend. Mike and I left for Harrisonburg Saturday around noon to meet up with The Gardners, Jill's sister Katelyn, and their friend Iain.

Once we arrived we settled in to the villa, Katelyn cooked us an amazing pasta dinner with tons of fresh herbs and squash......it was amazing!!!! Afterwards we began our first of many games: Phase 10 - I WON!!! It was a late night, heading to bed at 2am. The villa we stayed in was a 2 bedroom, 2 bath. So the Gardners - Brett, Jill, Peter & Aaron stayed in the master bedroom, Iain & Katelyn stayed in the room with twin beds and Mike and I were supposed to sleep on the downstairs fold out couch. Unfortunately for the couch - it looked like a 500 pound giant had squished the bar that goes above your head, so after we had put on all of the sheets and bedding (20 minute job) Mike went to lay down - his head sunk about a foot below the rest of his body. So we scrapped that idea and made other bedding arrangements.

The next morning I cooked sausage gravy and biscuits and scrambled eggs for everyone. I figured the skiers needed a hearty breakfast before hitting the slopes. It was very entertaining to see Mike get dressed for his first attempt at snowboarding. He was even so prepared as to borrow Danny's hockey pads to wear underneath, unfortunately, they wouldn't fit underneath his ski pants. So, around 11 - Mike, Brett, Iain and Katelyn headed out to ski, while Jill and I suited up the kiddies to go to the pool.

Later in the day, we all reconnected over a delicious baked ziti and settled in for more games. This time we started the night off with Scrabble. Team Romance (Brett & Jill) beat team Barf (Iain & Katelyn) and Team C (Mike and I). We started, but didn't finish a game of Mexican Train before we headed to bed.

Monday morning we were up bright and early to go tubing!!! Jill, Katelyn, Iain, Mike and I drove over to the tubing park and made the 7 minute ride up the "belt" and then took the first of many trips down the hill. After 2 hours of sliding down in every combination of groups we went back to relieve Brett and have some lunch. The rest of the day was spent in combinations of hot tub and sauna trips.

Early this morning Mike and I woke up and loaded up the car to come back to Alexandria. Both of us worked a half day and then I went to pick up the baby. Emmie was so excited to see me, but was way more excited to see her daddy!!!
Thanks Jill & Brett for thinking of us and including us in your vacation getaway. We had such a great time bonding with you and the kids. And we look forward to a scrabble rematch!!! Love ya!

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