Sunday, June 22, 2008

She's all moved in...

Yesterday, Mike, his parents and I moved his kid sister Lauren into her new home....Baltimore, MD. For those of you who don't know Lauren, she is smart, funny and spunky. She is a recent college graduate - Virginia Tech School of Architecture class of 2008!

We started the morning out like always - running late. We (Mike & I) were supposed to leave Alexandria at around 11 to head up towards Baltimore. We left our apartment at a little after 11:30 am. We were making good time and were actually going to get to Baltimore about the same time that Mike's parents and sister were, who were coming up from Salem. Unfortunately, because again...we're such good planners and never wait til the last minute...we had to stop at Dick's Sporting Goods (in God only knows little town Maryland) to pick up a Father's Day present for Mike's dad. But, eventually we got to Baltimore and were driving through the extended neighborhood of Lauren's new digs. I've only been to Baltimore once before so to visit outside of the Inner Harbor was a first for me. Some of the townhomes were beautiful and prestine, but then you hit some slums, and then it was nice again....kind of made me worry about her walking/biking around the neighborhood... We parked in front of her new townhouse that she'll be sharing with 2 guys (1 owns the townhouse) and 1 other girl. Lauren's parents had rented a 10 foot truck and so we began the dreary process of unloading and moving her in - Why is it that everybody we know INCLUDING OURSELVES always move in July & August? Fortunately she didn't have that much stuff so it only took about 2 hours to get her all moved in. Patty, Mike & Lauren's mom, Lauren and I began unpacking, organizing and decorating her room.

It only took us about 5 times to figure out where she wanted her bed...which wouldn't usually be a huge problem or pain to move except she had the bed on "risers" and everytime we tried to move the bed it would crash to the ground...only fueling Mike and his dad's smart a$$ comments (LOVE YOU GUYS). So yada yada yada we finished and then cleaned up and started getting ready for dinner. We dropped Mike's parents off at their hotel while Mike, Lauren and I went to ESPN Zone, sat outside and had a couple drinks. When Mike's parents finally arrived we decided we didn't want to have some "commercial restaurant" food so we headed over to Little Italy and found Amicci's. If you head up to Baltimore you have to go there....I highly recommend the Chicken Lorenzo. After dinner we dropped Lauren off at her friend Megan's townhouse, she went to school with Lauren and lives a couple blocks from her in Fells. Then we dropped Mike's parents at their hotel and headed back to Alexandria.

Mike was super thirsty on the drive back, and I offered my bottled water from earlier in the day. He took a sip then looked puzzled, turned to me and asked "Does this water smell funny?" So I put the bottle up to my nose - and he tips it into my face...spilling water down my shirt and into my lap....funny guy. About 10 minutes later he said "Can I get another sip". I unscrewed the top off (like always when he's driving) and went to hand it to him...unfortunately it "slipped" out of my hand and fell right in his lap...poor Mikey.

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