Saturday, August 16, 2008

Legg Mason Tennis...

Have I mentioned how much I love my job...and the perks that come with it. Mike and I had briefly talked about going to the Legg Mason Classic this year. A few weeks ago his sister reminded us about it quickly approaching and said she and a friend had bought tickets for all day Saturday. We thought some more about buying tickets but decided not to spend the money. And so the story goes, I'm sitting in a staff meeting on Tuesday the 5th and my boss says, "Oh, and we have tickets to box seats for the Legg Mason tournament, anyone interested" - so of course, I said "YES". The seats were amazing. Not only were there seats, but an air conditioned box stocked with beer, wine and tons of deliciously catered food. So we watched Our tickets also got us into the "Players Club" which was really just a big air conditioned tent turned into a restaurant/bar with free wine tastings. I'll never mingle with the commoners again...haha, just kidding!

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