Monday, July 14, 2008

Broken Air Conditioner...

Last year at about this time our air conditioner in our fabulous apartment decided to stop working. We came home one night and the digital thermostat was just blank - no life at all. Last summer it took them nearly 2 months to resolve the issue - making due with 1 window unit to supply air to our entire apartment (living room, kitchen and bathroom) - YUCK!!!

Much to our dismay this horrible event has recurred - we came home Wednesday night to find the temperature in apartment reaching the upper 80's. I immediately sent an email to our landlords to let them know or AC wasn't working - explaining it was the same situation as last year. We then spent an hour assembling our 1 standup fan to set at the end of our bed for the long night. Thursday morning I woke up at 4:30am sweating my a$$ off. I took a shower and ended up going into work an hour early - looking forward to my igloo of an office. I waited til about 11 o'clock for an email or a phone call from our landlord ... NOTHING. So I called the office - no one answered - I left a voicemail explaining that an email had already been sent & what the problem was. Finally, at 2pm I couldn't take it anymore - so I called our landlord's cell phone - it sounded like she was enjoying her day with her kids at the POOL .... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! She said she had called and checked her work voicemails but didn't have any messages from me and would call me right back. I got a call back 5 minutes later saying she in fact did get my message - but thought it was "Sam" calling about an AC unit - explaining she didn't know a Sam or what this "Sam" was referring to. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

I'll give it til tomorrow - and if it's not fixed
Mike, Emma and I are going to check into
Morrison House and Walker Real Estate
will be footing the bill :)

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