Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How I Clean...

Most of you who know me well enough know that I like to keep things pretty clean & organized. But as one of my close friends said recently "I'm organized but not clean"...and recently that's exactly how I feel.

Before Mike and I moved in I was a self diagnosed (with the help of close friends) as an obsessive compulsive neat freak. Everything had a place, that place was to have no accumulated dust and certainly no dog hair (before Emma Sue). Now a days, with working nearly 50 hours a week, Sport & Health, girls nights, Bible study and friends it's hard to find time to brush my teeth....much less vacuum, dust, mop, do laundry and other household duties. Even now, when my long time friends make comments on my organization and cleanliness Mike gives an "oddball" look - clearly disagreeing with their impressions. I don't know how people do it, we don't even have kids yet and I can't even imagine how my mom worked 2 jobs, had 2 kids and kept a spotless ... and I do mean SPOTLESS house.

When Mike and I first moved in together, I'd try to explain how to clean certain things and Mike would attempt it...I'd stand over his shoulder or go behind him and correct his imperfections. This would result in a pointless argument 99% of the time. During football season, I do my cleaning on Sundays. I send Mike away... and I really do mean "send away" to a friend's apartment, sports bar, etc. I do this because I like things my way (I know...you're all shocked). But when it's no longer football season Mike enjoys spending a calm Sunday afternoon in the recliner feet up - right in the middle of the living room - tv blaring - computer in lap, etc. HELP!!!!!!!! The actual process of cleaning is somewhat of a relaxation tool for me. It's just recently, I haven't had the time to truly dedicate an evening or an afternoon to cleaning the way I like to....detail oriented cleaning. So, if you're in the area and find that you have nothing to do on Sundays or need a partner in crime on... please let me know... I'd love to arrange a "Playdate" for Mikey! (I mean that in the nicest way possible).

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