Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Welcome Baby Aaron...

Last night, I called Jill to ask her a question, she returned my call at about 9pm. We talked for about an hour about girls nights, Peter's upcoming birthday, and her pregnancy. Specifically we talked about how big the baby in her belly might be. Brett was at the movie theater with Jill's cousin Hannah so Jill was getting some stuff done around the house. Jill seemed really concerned that she wasn't going to make it to her scheduled c-section date (Aug 19). I laughed and jokingly said "My cell phone will be fully charged and by my side at all times".... because for most of you who know me...I haven't been the greatest about answering my phone lately. (Sorry) She explained she had a doctor appointment Wednesday morning and was eager to ask the doctor about moving up the c-section.

Mike and I went to bed at about 10:30, trying to catch up from our long eventful weekend. At 1:05am my cell phone rang on my night stand. I sat up, half asleep and answered the phone. In the calmest voice I've ever heard Jill said "Sarah, we're having this baby tonight". In my akward wake I said "okay, well we'll see you tomorrow" then laid back down to go back to sleep. Fortunately, the movement and ring from the phone woke Mike up and he rolled over to ask what was going on. I said "Jill's in labor" and still.... laid in bed trying to go to sleep. It only took about 1 minute longer for me to sit up and slap Mike - then we were up, dressed and on our way to Virginia Hospital Center.

We got to the hospital at about 2am to find Brett & Jill being prepped for her c-section.

At 3:13 am this morning 6 pounds 2 ounces 20 inches long Aaron Michael Gardner entered the world. Dad, Mom and big Brother are doing great. Because Aaron was 5 weeks early his lungs are a bit underdeveloped and to be precautionary he will be in the NICU for the next 3-7 days. Please keep the Gardner family in your prayers - both for Baby Aaron and rest for Mom & Dad.

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